Yellow Fire Shrimp Cherry
Yellow fire shrimp are a bright sunshine yellow, their vibrant colouring makes them stand out in a planted tank adding a welcome splash of colour. Being part of the neocaridina family, yellow fire are a hard water shrimp so prefer being in a water with a relatively high GH level.
Yellow fire shrimp are a bright sunshine yellow, their vibrant colouring makes them stand out in a planted tank adding a welcome splash of colour. Being part of the neocaridina family, yellow fire are a hard water shrimp so prefer being in a water with a relatively high GH level.
Yellow fire shrimp are a bright sunshine yellow, their vibrant colouring makes them stand out in a planted tank adding a welcome splash of colour. Being part of the neocaridina family, yellow fire are a hard water shrimp so prefer being in a water with a relatively high GH level.